Friday, May 7, 2010

Life lessons in a disfunctional family

I spent the last two days taking care of some family matters. Most importantly meeting at probate court trying to finalize my Mother's estate. When My mother died I was named as the executrix. I don't think I did a very good job, but what I did try to do is share my faith in every situation. It has been very difficult because the faith life that I live, is not shared with any of my siblings. What I did hear was "God" coming out of the mouth of every single one of them. I am very thankful for that. I have prayed for their conversions. That maybe they would find their hidden faith. The seed was planted, hopefully they will recognise Him in their life more. I know he has been there. They just don't recognise him. Part of me wants to share all that I learned, but at the moment I am physically exhausted. Maybe another day!


  1. As I read your heart felt words I kept hearing "Christ has no body now but yours, no hand no feet on earth but yours, yours are the eyes that he looks compassion on the world;Christ has no body now but yours."
    (jmt sings this so well)

    Sounds like your "yes" to the Lord paid off! God bless you and may you find the rest you are looking for.

    Have a blessed Mother's Day and I will remember to pray for the soul of your dear mother.

  2. A beautiful reflection! Your prayers will carry the day for them, and their eyes shall be opened, you'll see!

  3. Get some rest, Precious Cup, and then share. In the interim, I want to let you and other followers know that my Blest Atheist blogspot went down. I replaced it with 100th Lamb ( I explain why there.
